Loyalty points and discount coupons
With each purchase, collect points that you can convert into discount coupons for all your future purchases.
Earn points with every purchase, on every product purchased. CHF 200.- spent = 2,000 points collected! Collect 2000 points to receive a reduction check of CHF 10.- to be used on the entire online store.
The process is automatic. Order your favorite coffees, herbal teas, coffee machines or accessories, and accumulate points over time.
The points earned are valid for 4 years, from your customer account.
All you have to do is go to your customer area, and click on "My loyalty points".
Points are managed electronically on the customer account.
All you have to do is go to your shopping cart to see your points balance and redeem them directly.
Also in your customer area under "Loyalty points", you can find your current balance, as well as the list of points already used, under the same page.